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Computing and ICT KS3 | Years 7 to 8

Subject Content

Year 7

  • Digital Safety
  • History Of Computers
  • Computer Components
  • Computer Systems
  • Binary Systems
  • Encryption
  • Coding Both Text And Visual
  • Graphics
  • Spreadsheet Modelling
  • Website Design

Year 8

  • Digital Safety
  • Computer Architecture
  • Cybersecurity
  • Encryption
  • Decomposing problems
  • Computational thinking using algorithms for solutions
  • Spreadsheet Modelling
  • Website Design and Graphics

Assessment Details

The year is split into 6 units with an assessment at the end of each unit.  Throughout the year, the students will build a website to present their work with a reflective assessed narrative.

To be successful, students will need to be able to:

  • Understand the risks of using technology
  • See how computers have developed to where they are today.
  • Identify key innovators in the development of computing.
  • Be aware that computers are made up of a number of pieces of equipment and to see how they fit together.
  • Explain how the internet works and how computers access the internet
  • Know how computers use basic code to encrypt messages and why messages need to be encrypted.
  • Realise the logical progression of instructions in coding and seeing the outcomes of decisions they have made in their coding.
  • Design and create a functional website. 
  • Build graphics in layers and become more confident in using the basic graphics tools.
  • Use computational thinking to find a solution to a problem, then see how a spreadsheet can obtain the necessary results.

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Encourage reading of technology news and new innovations in technology.
  • Choose an article from the BBC about ICT/Technology and discuss it with your child, asking how it will fit in with modern society and how it will improve people’s lifestyles.
  • Encourage to watch BBC online reports and podcasts
  • Provide access to the internet to help with homework

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Computing and ICT

Mr Clawson -

Teachers of Computing and ICT

Mr Long -

Mrs Hegarty -