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Week 1 |Week 2

Absences and Attendance

Absence on unforeseeable grounds (illness) should be communicated to the school by phone 01296 689720 or email on each and every day of absence before 8:30 am.

For advance Leave of Absence Requests

Please use the form below, giving at least one week's notice before the absence.

Leave of Absence Request Google Form 

Unavoidable appointments (medical, orthodontist) should be covered by this form and be submitted to the school not less than one week before the initial period of absence. The headteacher would normally expect students to make medical/dental/optician appointments outside of school time.

Attendance Ladder Image


Good attendance at school provides vital continuity of learning for your child. If your child is absent from school for any period, they will miss important elements of their learning. 


Working together to improve school attendance

Members of the Attendance Action Alliance have worked with the Department for Education to develop this short guide which helps parents understand how they can work with their school and local authorities to support their children to attend school and get the right support.