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Transition Support

We realise that the move from primary to secondary school is a major step for children and their parents. 

We work with our feeder schools and the parents of our new students to ensure that each child makes a happy and successful start at The Cottesloe School.

Please see the Transition Journey (pictured below) that we have created to give a clear picture of the transition we take our new students on. 

Why do we have a range of transition support strategies?

We view every child as an individual with individual needs. We are an intervention-based school that firmly believes in being proactive in supporting students to help ensure that their time at The Cottesloe School is as happy and academically successful as possible. We appreciate that different children have different needs and feel a personalised approach to transition ensures that all students are able to access the support they need to make a positive start at the school.

Universal Transition Support

All students will receive transition support as part of a year-long programme embedded into the student experience at Years 6 and 7. 

Key features of this programme:
  • Regular updates and activities are sent via email to help familiarise students with the school.
  • All primary schools are offered a visit by a member of the transition team, during which students have a chance to discuss common questions and worries. Information is gathered from primary teachers about the students.
  • A Welcome Evening for parents and students to meet key staff.
  • Two induction days at The Cottesloe School, to ensure students are able to experience a variety of lessons and become familiar with the site. 
  • A tailored induction plan runs from September. This includes support to help them adjust to school routines, pastoral support and subject inductions. 
  • Parent and Form Tutor Evening in early October.
Character Camp

Our Character Camp will run at the end of August. Students will attend one of these days and enjoy a fun, fast-paced team-building day on our school site and the Ascott House Estate. The day will be run by school staff and instructors from one of our Outdoor Education partners, Hidden Leaders. Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with others they may have met on the transition days and build confidence to start their secondary school journey.


Should you wish to discuss any aspect of transition support at The Cottesloe School please contact:

Transition Support Officer -