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SEND and Inclusion

Our approach to SEND and Inclusion

At The Cottesloe School, we aim to:
  • Meet your child’s needs
  • Remove barriers to learning
  • Raise their self-esteem
  • Build their confidence
  • Develop their independence
  • Provide access to a personalised curriculum

The school SEND policy is reviewed every year and revised in discussion with parents/carers, pupils, staff and governors.

Every child with SEND who begins their journey with us, has a My Cottesloe Passport (PDF)

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If you have any concerns or need any support

Contact your child’s form tutor, subject teacher or Ms Hibbert Lead SENDCo or Mrs Rudge SENDCo

The contact for compliments, concerns or complaints from parents of pupils with SEND

Mr D. Fox

The school’s complaints policy can be found on the Policies page of the website.

Partnership with Parents

The school will work in partnership with you to meet your child’s needs.
This means:

  • We will listen to your views.
  • You, as parents, are equal partners in decisions about your child’s education.
  • You will be kept informed about your child’s needs and progress.
  • Regular review meetings (pastoral/academic).
  • We also offer a New Parent Support Network to reassure you during the transition year.
  • We offer a weekly SEND drop-in session, from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm. Please contact the school for more details and appointments.

Careers Guidance for Students with SEND

Mr Matcham, our Careers Consultant, is available to offer advice to all our students. For more information, go to our Careers Hub. /curriculum/careers-hub/post-16-for-send

Buckinghamshire Council's SEND and Inclusion Strategy for 2025 – 2030

The SEND Partnership across Buckinghamshire’s SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2025 - 2030

The new strategy seeks to raise aspirations and close the achievement gap for children and young people with SEND. The new strategy sets the SEND Partnership’s aims and objectives. It shifts our focus to delivering our offer, without reducing the service. The new strategy has been developed in partnership with key stakeholders, including parent/carers and young people representatives. 

To give your views

You can either complete a survey at, to access an easy-read version that is available. The survey can be submitted online or via post - please see the website for details. 


You will find our Admissions and Accessibility Plan on our Policies page /key-info/statutory-policies  

Annual (SEND) Information Report | October 2024

All mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools are required by law to produce a Special Educational Needs Report on an annual basis, Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations Clause 65.

All mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools are required by law to make their Special Educational Needs Report available on their website.

From 1 September 2014, the majority of Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, its associated regulations and the SEND Code of Practice were enforced.  The Cottesloe School adheres to the SEND Code of Practice and the Children and Families Act 2014.

The type of SEND provision that The Cottesloe School caters for is aimed at young people in mainstream education with a range of Special Educational Needs relating to their physical, SEMH (social, emotional and mental health), or cognitive learning difficulties.

We currently do not offer specialist provision (ARP) for particular learning needs.

The school’s Accessibility policy can be found here.


The School’s SEND Policy

The school’s SEND policy (including pupils who do and do not have an EHC Plan) for identifying and assessing pupils with SEND is:
  • Pupils are identified through monitoring by class teachers, Heads of Department or Heads of Year who report any concerns to the SEND team and then further assessment, if required, can be carried out.
  • We also liaise closely with our feeder schools, other transferring centres, specialist teachers and other agencies to identify and monitor students’ additional learning needs.
  • Parents can also raise with the school any concerns they have which will be communicated to teaching staff and referred to the SEND team for assessment and review.
Evaluating the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with SEND:
  • We do this through the termly review of a student’s individual provision documents and through the annual review of statutory documents (EHCPs), which involve the parent/carer, the student, the form tutor, the teachers and assistant teachers (ATs) and the school SEND team.

  • Individual student provision may be reviewed informally more frequently, according to student needs, throughout the academic year.

Assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND:
  • On a termly-basis, student progress is analysed by the Lead SENDCo.
  • On a half-termly basis, student progress is monitored and reviewed through
  • the school’s information management system by the Lead SENDCo and a Senior Leadership Link Manager for student progress.
  • On a weekly basis, concerns over individual students’ progress are monitored through review meetings between Senior leaders and the Lead SENDCo.
  • On a weekly basis, concerns over individual students’ progress are discussed through review meetings between the Lead SENDCo and the SENDCo.
  • On a daily basis, student progress can be monitored through the school’s information management system.

The School’s Approach to Teaching

The school’s approach for teaching pupils with SEND (including pupils who do and do not have an EHC Plan).

By adapting the curriculum and learning environment:
  • We are able to be flexible to the individual needs of children and can provide opportunities for support in differing-sized groups as required. Some support will be carried out within the class.

  • We adapt timetables and rooms to cater for the individual needs of our students.

Additional support for learning:
  • Some students take part in short and long-term interventions outside the classroom environment.
  • Through the use of ATs as required.
  • Through carefully planned, differentiated and personalised learning.
  • Through the Cottesloe Universal Provision strategy.
Activities that are available to pupils with SEND in addition to those available through the curriculum:
  • Support will be given to students outside their formal lessons in the form of additional learning opportunities, supervision and clubs.

Improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND:
  • In addition to the above, we offer the opportunity to address emotional and social concerns through targeted workshops, drop-in facilities and counsellors.

The School’s Facilities

The school’s facilities to include pupils with SEND. 

  • We aim to fully include all students in the daily life of the school whatever their individual needs. In the case of students with physical disabilities, the majority of our classrooms are accessible and we are working to improve access in all areas of the site.
  • We also have a designated learning zone for students with additional learning needs which allows for specialised interventions to take place.

The School’s Training

The school’s arrangement for training staff in relation to pupils with SEND:

  • Continuous Professional Development for all staff (teachers, ATs) on key SEND issues.
  • Monthly staff teaching and Learning briefings on key SEND issues.

Specialist expertise is obtained by the school:

  • Regular meetings between the SEND team  and outside agencies working within the school.
  • Termly meetings with the school’s Educational Psychologist.
  • Using outside agencies for advice, direct student support and to deliver bespoke CPD.
  • Specialist courses to improve the skills of the Assistant Teacher team.

The School’s Consultation

The school’s arrangements to consult with and involve parents/carers of pupils with SEND about the education of their child/ young person.

  • Parents are normally consulted termly for individual provision mapping review, annually for the formal EHCP review process and as and when the need arises via email, phone call, face-to-face meetings and, where appropriate, a home-school communication log.

Children young people are involved in their education.

  •  Students are involved in their individual provision mapping and set targets with their form tutor and teachers. All students with EHCPs are invited to attend the annual review meetings and are consulted in decisions affecting their support and timetabling, through a person-centred review.

The School’s Partnerships

  • The school’s governing body involves other bodies (including health, social care, Buckinghamshire Council support services, voluntary and community groups) to meet the needs of pupils with SEND and their families by receiving regular updates on interventions and by acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Learning Support team.

  • The school’s arrangements for pupils with SEND transferring between other education providers or preparing for adulthood and independent living is through consultation with SENDIAS, developing and maintaining close working relationships with primary school SENDCos and attending annual reviews in the primary school setting, and through the school’s transition support programme.

The school collaborates with the following education providers and other settings:
  • Feeder schools
  • Local Colleges of Further Education
  • Blueprint short-stay school
  • Integrated SEND Services
  • CAMHs
  • Sue Nicholls Centre
  • CYP therapy services (SaLT/OT)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Specialist Teaching Service
  • Relevant medical specialists

The school communicates the contact details for the support listed above to pupils with SEND and their families through regular newsletters, information displayed on the school website, and 1:1 discussions either via face-to-face meetings or by telephone and email.

The School’s Key Contacts

The name and contact details of the school’s Lead SENDCo

Ms Anne-Marie Hibbert


Tel: 01296 688264


The contact for compliments, concerns or complaints from parents of pupils with SEND
Mr Dan Fox

01296 688264

The school’s complaints policy can be found on the Policies page of the website.

The School’s link to the Bucks Local Offer.

External Key Contacts

To contact the Bucks Integrated SEND Service (ISEND) All contact details can be found on their dedicated website 

If you have a complaint about the iSEND email

Information for the Local Offer for Buckinghamshire, the Bucks Local Offer provides information and advice on Special Education Needs and Disability provision, both inside and outside the Local Authority. If you wish to contact Buckinghamshire Council about the Local Offer or Family Support Services please call 01296 383293 or email or use their contact form.

For independent and impartial advice please contact SEND IAS.