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SEND and Inclusion

Our approach to SEND and Inclusion

At The Cottesloe School, we aim to:
  • Meet your child’s needs
  • Remove barriers to learning
  • Raise their self-esteem
  • Build their confidence
  • Develop their independence
  • Provide access to a personalised curriculum

The school SEND policy is reviewed every year and revised in discussion with parents/carers, pupils, staff and governors.

Every child with SEND who begins their journey with us, has a My Cottesloe Passport (PDF)

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Partnership with Parents

The school will work in partnership with you to meet your child’s needs.
This means:

  • We will listen to your views.
  • You, as parents, are equal partners in decisions about your child’s education.
  • You will be kept informed about your child’s needs and progress.
  • Regular review meetings (pastoral/academic).
  • We also offer a New Parent Support Network to reassure you during the transition year.
  • We offer a weekly SEND drop-in session, from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm. Please contact the school for more details and appointments.

Careers Guidance for Students with SEND

Mr Matcham, our Careers Consultant, is available to offer advice to all our students. For more information go to our Careers Hub. 

Buckinghamshire Council's SEND and Inclusion Strategy for 2025 – 2030

The SEND Partnership across Buckinghamshire has drafted a revised SEND and Inclusion Strategy for 2025 – 2030. The new strategy will replace the existing SEND and Inclusion Strategy that expired at the end of 2023 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Inclusion Strategy 2021-2023 | SchoolsWeb (

The new strategy seeks to raise aspirations and close the achievement gap for children and young people with SEND. The new strategy sets the SEND Partnership’s aims and objectives. It shifts our focus in delivering our offer, without reducing the service. The new strategy has been developed in partnership with key stakeholders including parent/carer and young people representatives. 

To give your views, you can either complete a survey, please click here, to access an easy-read version is available. The survey can be submitted online or via post - please see the website for details. Alternatively, you can attend an online engagement session. These will take place on Microsoft Teams.

Please see below for dates and times: 

  • Wednesday 6 November 3.30 to 4.30pm
  • Thursday 14 November 3.30 to 4.30pm

If you wish to attend an online engagement session, please email with the date you would like to attend. You will then be sent a calendar invite with the link to access the session.