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Week 1 |Week 2

Uniform and Equipment

Compulsory School Uniform (Years 7 to 11)

  • The Cottesloe School black blazer with school badge (see appendix)
  • The Cottesloe School branded clip-on tie (see appendix)
  • Plain white school shirt with stiff v-shaped collar (tucked in) (see appendix)
  • Plain black trousers or a black pleated skirt (with drop-waist pleat) (see appendix)
  • Plain black shoes that are suitable for wearing during the day and to and from school. No canvas, trainers or boots.(see appendix)
  • Plain black v-neck jumper (worn with, not instead of, the blazer) (optional)
  • Socks must be black or dark in colour (no white socks unless worn during a PE lesson)

PE Kit

  • Cottesloe branded games polo shirt (fitted and relaxed fits available)
  • Cottesloe branded black shorts
  • Cottesloe branded black jogging bottoms,
  • Cottesloe branded school skorts or Cottesloe branded black leggings
  • Cottesloe black and gold football socks
  • Shin pads
  • Football boots
  • Cottesloe branded Rugby shirt short sleeves
  • Trainers (not plimsolls)
  • Gum-shield
  • Cottesloe branded black /gold sweatshirt (optional)



How to order

Orders will only be processed with payment in full via ParentPay or via the online shop.

Collection times are Monday to Friday | 8am to 4pm (term-time only). If you have any queries please email


Stationery Equipment/Miscellaneous

Stationery Kit - includes the following, which are all available separately


30cm ruler 30p
Eraser 15p
Pencil sharpener (metal) 40p
Clear plastic pencil case £1.75
Glue stick (40g) £1
Berol handwriting pen (black) 50p
HB pencil 30p
Berol felt tip pens £4
Roller ball pen (black) £1
Stapler £1.50
Staples £1
Maths Equipment
Calculator - Casio FX83GT plus £12
Compass and protractor £1.50
Maths Progression Workbook (Year 7 and 8 only) £5
French Dictionary £4.50
German Dictionary £4.50

Art Equipment

Art Kit (Key Stage 3) includes the following which are all available separately.


Poly hold-all A4 £2
Black ballpoint pen 20p
Black fine liner pen £1
2B pencil 30p
Size 10 round brush £3
Size 8 flat oil brush £2
Size 6 white brush £1.50
Coloured pencils (12 pack) £2.50
Watercolour set £3
Oil pastels £2
Art Kit (Key Stages 4 and 5)

Includes acrylic paints (5 x 75ml system 3 process), poly hold-all and A3 sketchbook


Acrylic paints £14 £14
A3 sketchbook £5
A2 or A3 poly hold-all


Preloved Uniform

If you have any uniform items that are no longer needed and that are in perfect condition, then please donate them back to the school. We will accept any blazers, ties, trousers, skirts, blouses and shirts as well as any items of school PE kit. Please hand these items to reception. We also collect back any textbooks or revision guides that are in good condition.

If your child is a Pupil Premium child and you are experiencing difficulty in purchasing any items of school uniform, then please contact us with any requests for assistance.