Pupil Premium
Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils. The pupil premium grant is designed to allow schools to help disadvantaged pupils by improving their progress and the exam results they achieve.
Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
- Generally, they face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school.
- Often, they do not perform as well as their peers.
Pupil Premium funding runs from April to April. Each year, the school publishes the planned spending for Pupil Premium funding and this can be found within this section of the website. However, there is money available to help support students for things like trips, books, study guides. If you feel we could support you with funding for these, please contact our Pupil Premium Champion, Mrs Shotliff, on 01296 688264 or email at pupilpremium@cottesloe.bucks.sch.uk.
March 2025 | Important Changes to Free School Meals - See full letter
If you would like to request financial support, please use this Google Form
Opportunities Fund
To ensure that every student has the chance to participate fully in all aspects of school life, we are launching the Opportunities Fund. This fund will be used to support students who may otherwise be unable to afford the costs associated with:
- School trips
- Extracurricular activities
- Educational equipment
- Uniforms
To learn more about this, go to the Opportunities Fund page.