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Computing and ICT KS3 | Year 9

Subject Content

During Year 9 we touch on the core elements of all three computing courses offered at YR10. This includes E-Safety, looking at the use of social media, Creative iMedia, where we will be looking at creating digital products, Computer Science, where we study coding and the way computers function, and Information Technologies, where we look at the use of computers to develop and support businesses. 

Should you wish to take any of these subjects further into Year 10, you will gain invaluable background knowledge in this year to support your progress.

Assessment Details

Assessment will be via written exam paper and a practical element based on a programming task. 

To be successful, students will need to be able to:

  • Think creatively about finding the best solution to a given problem
  • Show resilience when working with products that may not always work for the first time
  • Be prepared to experiment with a number of ideas before selecting the best
  • Enjoy the challenge of creating computer code, digital products and solutions. 
  • Be ambitious about the way you can shape future technology

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Keep abreast of technology news - we will often discuss this in class. 
  • Consider signing up for CoderDojo or other computing groups
  • Encourage coding and experimentation with code at home
  • Provide access to the internet to help with homework
  • Consider having access to a BBC Microbit, Raspberry Pi or other low-cost programmable computer to help provide access to different coding projects.
  • Encourage the use of the internet to solve problems and check information.

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Computing and ICT

Mr Clawson -

Teachers of Computing and ICT

Mr Long -

Mrs Hegarty -