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Ofsted Report and Performance

Ofsted Report 2021 


  • Senior leaders are ambitious for Cottesloe pupils. They expect them to Prepare, Aspire, Succeed and pupils rise to the challenge.
  • Leaders place great emphasis on preparing pupils for the wider world.
  • The headteacher has a clear vision for moving the school even further forward. He is supported by talented and committed staff.

Pastoral Care

  • Pastoral care is a strength of the school.
  • One parent who responded to the survey said ‘The pastoral care at The Cottesloe is simply wonderful.’
  • Pupils feel safe and have great faith in the staff to help them with any difficulties they may face. The TEAM Hub is a safe haven for vulnerable pupils where specialist staff offer guidance, reassurance and support.

Relationships and Learning

  • The school is a warm and friendly place. Many pupils and staff describe it as ‘a big family’. 
  • Pupils and staff treat each other with respect and courtesy.
  • Around the building and in lessons, pupils behave very well. They are eager to learn, work hard and achieve well.
  • Pupils and staff work harmoniously together and there is a great sense of collegiality. Pupils appreciate how hard staff work for them, and they respond by being attentive and engaged learners.



  • Teachers are very skilled and have strong subject knowledge in all areas of the curriculum.
  • They know their pupils well and help them to make connections with things they have learnt before.

Student Progress and Destinations

  • Sixth Form students are excellent role models for younger pupils. Year 11 pupils receive timely advice and guidance about post-16 courses and most choose to stay on in the Cottesloe sixth form. They are well taught and supported and consequently achieve well.
  • Students are very well-prepared for when they leave school and gain the qualifications they need for their chosen destinations.


  • All staff know what to do if they think a pupil might be at risk of harm. 
  • The school’s safeguarding team is highly trained, and pupils can go to the TEAM Hub at any time to get help. Pupils know they will be listened to.

School Performance and Results

To view the school performance from the Department for Education:

Key Stage 4 results (link)

Key Stage 5 results (link)

Financial Performance

Please click here to see how the school's use of resources compares to other similar schools.