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Food Technology KS3 | Year 9

Subject Content

Students in Year 9 are in a ‘transition’ into GCSE. The focus for this year is to give students a solid understanding of Food Technology and the other industries that feed into the subject. For example, Farming, Providence of Food, Culture and Religious Festivals.

Our emphasis will be on developing students' practical skills and knowledge, linking it to the quality and expectations of the industry. Students are also encouraged to participate in Food Technology events at school and local community level.

Assessment Details

Students will have regular ‘half-termly’ assessments throughout the year to help us and students reflect on knowledge and skill and to identify areas of improvement.

To be successful, students will need to be able to:

  • Create notes on different recipes and examples of the dishes they have created.
  • Demonstrate the ability to be able to work independently.
  • Know how to show creative thinking skills.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the quality and standard of food and service demanded by the Catering and Hospitality industry.
  • Demonstrate knowledge by selecting appropriate equipment, ingredients and processes. 
  • Know how to apply principles of nutrition and healthy living/eating habits.
  • Demonstrate skills in food preparation and cooking techniques.
  • Consider the user/consumer when designing/creating products. 
  • Be able to evaluate their own work and the work of others in a local or national/international context.
  • Be able to plan out menus and methods, prior to applying practical skills.
  • Demonstrate independence and resilience when carrying out practical activities.
  • Prepare, serve and store food hygienically in line with government legislation.

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • Measuring spoons and weighing scales for ingredients (at home).

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Encourage students to make and eat healthy meals at home by giving constructive feedback linked to the Hospitality and Catering industry.
  • Try new and different foods, cooking methods and processes.
  • Watch cooking programmes on TV that demonstrate the best and worst of the industry 
  • Provide access to the internet and a device to help with homework in Google Classroom.

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Design and Technology

Mr Poote -

Teacher of Food Technology

Dr L Jera -