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Product Design KS4 | Years 10 & 11

Examination Board | Pearson Edexcel GCSE
Specification Code | 1DT0

Subject Content

Several coursework challenges will be undertaken throughout:

Year 10 students are able to experiment with materials and processes to design and make products whilst developing skills and confidence. The theoretical content of the course will be woven into the practical applications where possible to help with a deeper level of understanding.

Year 11 students are able to take responsibility for choosing from three design contexts (provided by the exam board) to focus on their final Non-Exam Assessment project. Evidence required for this is a design folder and a practical project, whilst the theoretical content will help students prepare for two mock exams and the final end of year exam in the summer.

Assessment Details

Year 10 

Year 10 is split into one-two units/projects. Regular assessments are made throughout each unit to help us and students reflect on knowledge and skill and to identify areas of improvement. Students will be given exam style questions and two formal mock exams (in October and January of Year 11) which will help identify any gaps in knowledge.

Year 11

Consists of one externally-examined paper and one non-examined assessment component (coursework). Students must complete all assessments in May/June in Year 11.

Component 1: Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes, this is worth 50% of the qualification (100 marks).

The paper consists of two sections. Section A is assessed on the core content and Section B is assessed on the material category the school has chosen (1F - Timbers).

Component 2: Non-examined assessment: This is worth 50% of the qualification (100 marks).

Students will undertake a project based on a ‘contextual challenge’ released on 1st June (of Year 10). 

The project will test students’ skills in investigating, designing, making and evaluating a prototype of a product. The coursework will be internally assessed and externally moderated.

The marks are awarded for each part as follows. 

  1. Investigate (16 marks)
  2. Design (42 marks)
  3. Make (36 marks)
  4. Evaluate (6 marks)

To be successful, students will need to be able to:

  • Be organised with note taking and have clear information that can be read, understood and revised from.
  • Work from design briefs (possibly even writing their own).
  • Investigate contexts to identify wants needs and values.
  • Problem solve and take risks.
  • Write a design specification, identifying a user or group of users and their needs and wants (user centred design).
  • Be able to demonstrate skills in 3D drawing and representation (isometric projection, 2 point perspective).
  • Know how to show creative thinking skills with mind mapping and idea generation.
  • Create impact to design ideas using line weight, colour and texture.
  • Demonstrate knowledge with selecting appropriate tools, materials and processes. 
  • Show good research skills when sourcing relevant information.
  • Consider the user/consumer when designing/creating products.
  • Be able to evaluate their own work and the work of others in a local or nation/international context.
  • Use knowledge and skill from a range of other subjects eg Maths, Science, ICT and Art.
  • Be able to plan out processes prior to applying practical skills.
  • Demonstrate independence and resilience when carrying out practical activities.

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • Have a range of coloured pencils for adding colour and texture to designs
  • A fine and broad black marker for adding line weight and impact to design work

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Encourage reading of design and technology news ( and new innovations in design, technology and materials.
  • Be curious about how things work, take broken products apart to learn more about how they work and what they may be made from (you could even cannibalise them to make something new).
  • Watch appropriate ‘design & make’ or ‘how stuff is made’ videos on YouTube
  • Provide access to the internet and a device to help with homework in Google Classroom

Recommended Resources for the Course



CGP  Design and Technology Revision Guide ISBN 978 1 78294 752 3

Teaching Staff 

Head of Design and Technology

Mr Poote -

Teachers of Product Design

Mr Bonser -

Mr Henry -

Mrs Hankin -