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Drama | Years 10 & 11

Examination Board | AQA
Specification Code | 8261

Subject Content

Drama engages and encourages students to become confident performers and designers with the skills they need for a bright and successful future.

Students learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. They gain the confidence to pursue their own ideas, reflect and refine their efforts. Whatever the future holds, students of GCSE Drama emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and in the workplace.

Performing Arts Roadmap Year 10


Performing Arts Roadmap Year 11

Assessment Details

Year 9 will experience skills required for KS4 Drama, which covers the following components.

The subject content for GCSE Drama is divided into three components: 

1. Understanding Drama (Preparation for this will be included throughout Year 10)

Written Exam at the end of Year 11. (1 hour 45 minutes) 80 marks (40% of GCSE).

  •  Section A: multiple choice (4 marks) 
  • Section B: four questions on a given extract from the set play (44 marks) 
  • Section C: one question (from a choice) on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (32 marks)
2. Devising Drama (Will be started during the summer term in Year 10)

Devising Log Book - 2500 words Maximum. 60 Marks (30% of GCSE).

  • Split into three sections - Response to a stimulus, Development and collaboration, Analysis and Evaluation.
  • Devised Performance - 20 minutes Maximum. 20 marks (10% of GCSE).
  • A group performance is created in response to one or more stimuli given to you by your teacher.
3. Texts in practice (Performance in front of an external examiner in Spring term of Year 11)

This year you will have the opportunity to work with different texts and learn extracts for performance.  For the final exam, you will need to perform two extracts from a play (selected by your teacher), 20 marks each, totalling 40 marks (20% of GCSE).

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • Students will need a black drama kit that allows them to move without restriction in every lesson.
  • Students will need a box-file to keep their work in. This should be divided using plastic wallets into the following sections: Understanding Theatre, The Crucible, The Woman in Black, Devising, Texts in Practice. It is also a good idea for students to keep a pen in their folder, but they can bring this into each lesson if they prefer.
  • Students will need to buy a copy of The Crucible and The Woman in Black play scripts available from the school shop.
  • Students must see The Woman in Black at least once throughout their course - opportunities for this are provided through a school trip once a year.
  • It is highly recommended that students attend at least one trip to see The Crucible live on stage.
  • For performances, students may choose to provide their own props/ costume if they feel that what we have available within the department is not suitable.
  • Students will be expected to attend extra rehearsal in preparation for their performances - these may be at lunchtime, after school and include a weekend rehearsal before their exam. (A letter with information will be sent as required)
  • On practical exam days, students will be expected to stay throughout the duration of the exam. This is likely to continue after the school day (fair warning will be given, and a letter will be sent home).

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Encourage your child's creativity.
  • Make sure they complete all their homework on time.
  • Help your child to get organised with their books and kit.
  • Support additional rehearsals by helping to arrange lifts home if necessary.
  • Make sure your child meets each deadline and brings their Chromebook for log book lessons.

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Performing arts

Miss Mayhew -

Teacher of Drama

Mrs Holmes -