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History KS4 | Years 10 & 11

Examination Board | Pearson Edexcel
Specification Code | 1HI0

Subject Content

Year 10 students complete the following units:

  • Option P3: The American West 1835-1895.
  • Option B2: The reigns of King Richard and King John 1189-1216.
  • Option 31: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39.

Year 11 students complete the following units:

  • Option 31: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39 (started during the summer term of year 10)
  • Option 12: Warfare and British society, 1250-present and London and the Second World War, 1939-45

Assessment Details

Knowledge and application in writing will be assessed regularly through homework and classwork.

In Year 11, the October mock exam will be a full past exam paper on Weimar and Nazi Germany. The February mock exam, will be a past paper on Warfare and British Society 1250-present and another exam paper made up of past questions from the American West and Richard and John topics studied during Year 10.

To be successful, students will need to be able to:

  • Read and understand the content of the courses and apply it in extended writing.
  • Develop effective revision techniques and devote enough time to revision.
  • Understand how to answer the differing question styles and learn what the examiners are looking for in their answers. This is achieved by becoming familiar with the mark schemes and examiner’s reports.
  • Understand the command words in each question type; for example, explain, describe and infer.
  • Make inferences from sources and analyse them for usefulness.
  • Understand the key points in extracts from interpretations by historians, identify differences between them and suggest reasons for this.
  • Demonstrate their understanding of change and continuity by comparing key issues and events over time.
  • Decide whether they agree with an opinion and use their own knowledge to justify their view.
  • Some of the questions assess spelling, punctuation and grammar. Students will need to structure their answers grammatically and coherently.
  • Understand and use the specific vocabulary needed for each unit. 

Additional Equipment Recommended

Textbooks are available in school but not for home use. It would be helpful for your child to have a copy of the revision guides to support their homework and revision. The ones for our specific exam units are available from the school shop. See below for full details:

  • The reigns of King Richard and King John 1189-1216 ISBN 978-1-292-12724-8
  • Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 ISBN 9781292169736
  • Warfare and British Society, 1250-present and London and the Second World War, 1939-45 ISBN 9781292127385
  • The American West 1835-1895 ISBN 9781292169774
  • Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 ISBN 9781292169736
  • Revision guides are available from Pearson and from our school shop.

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Be interested in your child’s learning. Your child should always have their exercise book unless it has been taken in for marking. Ask to see it. Talk about the different events, people and times that they have studied in lessons.
  • Discuss the news with your child. History has many connections with political issues.
  • Check your child’s Google Classroom and remind them to complete tasks. It is helpful if you read through their homework to check that they have completed it properly. If they haven’t, or there are a lot of errors with their spelling and grammar, encourage them to edit it before they hand it in. Also, encourage them to use key terms from lessons and their Knowledge Organiser to broaden their vocabulary and improve their confidence in literacy.
  • Encourage your child to read books set in or about the past. Explore local areas of historic interest and visit museums with interactive displays and activities to reinforce that history is an active, developing subject.
  • Enjoy films together about the periods we study, and sing along to Horrible Histories songs on YouTube. There are so many good avenues into the fascinating world of the past to investigate with your child.

Recommended Resources for the Course




Teaching Staff

Head of History

Miss Hawkes -

Teachers of History

Mr Herman -

Mr Powell -

Mr Passaro -