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German KS4 | Years 10 & 11

Subject Content

Year 10

The German GCSE curriculum is taught over two years, building on a knowledge of grammar and lexis taught lower down the school. Students will follow the three core GCSE themes over the two years and be able to communicate their opinions on the following Year 10 topics.

Theme 1 (Identity and culture)

  • Free time activities
  • Technology in everyday life
  • Family and friends

Theme 2 (Local, national and international areas of interest)

  • Holidays

Theme 3 (Education and employment)

  • School

Year 11

Theme 2 (Local, national and international areas of interest)

  • Home area
  • Local and international festivals

Theme 3 (Education and employment)

  • The environment
  • Homelessness/poverty

Course content is supported by the Oxford University Press AQA 9-1 series of publications.

Assessment Details

Students are assessed at various end points throughout the course. Their speaking, listening, reading and writing competencies are evaluated. At the end of each unit, students will produce work that will begin to form the basis of their GCSE speaking examination.

Students will be exposed to example exam materials at various points throughout the course and will also sit a full mock speaking examination.

Students should be able to:

  • Recognise extended phrases which have been taught in lessons when read or heard
  • Give longer responses in German to simple questions asked in German
  • Give extended personal opinions on a range of topics, including those from Year 7
  • Accurately copy out German words and phrases
  • Understand the concept of genders of nouns and have some awareness of cases
  • Produce passages of written work from memory or with a model text
  • Infer meaning from extended texts or unfamiliar vocabulary
  • Be able to comprehend and/or narrate events using two different tenses

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • A German/English dictionary (we recommend the Collins dictionaries, or any with verb tables and a glossary of key terms included)

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Take an interest and get them to teach you what they have learned in their German lessons 
  • Ensure they have packed their exercise book, and read through the last lesson’s vocabulary the night before
  • Encourage practice with any German-speaking friends or family
  • Put the German audio/subtitles on a favourite family film
  • Encourage and be positive about the value of learning another language – it directly improves literacy in English!

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of MFL

Misss Goddard

Teachers of MFL 

Mr Gracey -

Mrs Rudge -