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Geography KS3 | Years 7 to 8

Subject Content

Year 7

Geography Skills

Students develop a range of cartographic skills throughout this unit, including how and why symbols are used on maps and how we can accurately locate places using grid references.  Students also explore different techniques such as topological mapping and how we can use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to explore data.  

Tropical Rainforests

Students understand the term biome and then study the vegetation of the tropical rainforest and how plants and animals are adapted to life there.  Students explore the reasons for deforestation and the effects this has on people and the environment. 

UK Geography

Students continue to develop their cartographic skills, focusing on the UK. They learn through graphical skills how the population of each region has changed and also begin to develop their terminology to describe changes in these regions. 

Fantastic Places

A study of the most fantastic places our world can offer!  Students will experience places such as the island of Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean, Machu Picchu in  Peru, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Stonehenge in Wiltshire. 

Africa and Nigeria

Students extend their locational knowledge and deepen their spatial awareness of the world’s continents (particularly Africa). They will focus on the environmental regions, including hot deserts and also key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities within the continent. Students will develop their understanding of geographical similarities, differences and links between places through the study of human and physical geography of a region within Africa, namely Nigeria. 


The frozen continent.  Students will study the key geography of the continent.  This includes its location, physical features, ecosystem and the changes that Antarctica faces in the future.

River Environments

Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of physical landforms and processes related to river environments. They will be able to describe how landforms are created using specialist terms and will locate them within physical environments/ecosystems.

Geology, Weathering and Soils

Students will learn about the physical processes that shape our Earth.  From the concept of geological time, to weathering, dinosaurs and the changing face of our planet though plate tectonics.

Geography of Crime

Geographers study crime to find hotspots where crimes are likely to occur. The information is used to plan safer living spaces and to prevent international crimes such as drug trafficking and piracy. Geography is important when studying crime, because when a crime happens it always has a location, a time and a reason. Students will investigate patterns to see where crimes are most likely to be committed, in order to think of ways areas could be crime-proofed to combat crime, to see where crimes are most likely to be committed.

Year 8

Weather and climate

An introduction to the concepts of weather and climate. Students will learn about measuring and recording weather, clouds, rainfall, air pressure and the influence of air masses. Also, the concept of climate change and the impact that it is having on our planet.

Population and migration

Students learn about the key concepts of population and migration. This includes how and why the population of our planet is changing and how this presents a challenge in the future. Students also learn about the reason for human migration and how it can alter and change the character of a place.

Global issues (including climate change)

Students learn about the key issues that are affecting our planet. These include plastic pollution, poverty, sea level rise, animal extinctions and resource management.  A major focus will take place on climate change.


A country study on the newly emerging economy of India and its place in the modern world.  Students will study its location, physical geography, life in the cities and India's impact on a global scale.  

Plate Tectonics

A key physical geography topic! Students learn about plate movements, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. There is a strong focus on how the effects of these hazards can be managed by people.


A country study on the newly emerging economy of China and its place in the modern world.  Students are able to contrast this study to the previous study of India as they learn about the changes the country has experienced in its human and economic Geography. 

Hot Deserts

In this unit, students learn about the key locations and physical features of desert environments. They learn about the unique ecosystems deserts contain and how they can be considered fragile environments, susceptible to change.

Dangerous Places

The dangerous places of our planet! These range from Chernobyl in Ukraine, the Mexican-USA border, Detroit in the USA, Cape Town in South Africa and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Assessment Details

To be successful, students will need to be able to: by the end of Key Stage 3, know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the programme of study above.


What can I do to support my child at home?

Encourage and help develop the child's passion and academic progress in the subject.  This could be achieved by visits to key geographical locations, museums and exhibitions.  In addition, this can be achieved by exposure to media sources like television documentaries, TED talks and BBC Bitesize.

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Geography

Mr Pye -

Teachers of Geography

Mrs Knightley -

Mrs Chapman -

Mr Youngs -

Mr Brokenbrow -