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Week 1 |Week 2

Ethics & Philosophy KS3 | Year 9

Subject Content

Autumn 1 | Christianity

Exploring key Christian beliefs and practices, Jesus’ life and Christian work towards social justice 

Autumn 2 | Judaism

Exploring key Jewish beliefs and practices, exploration of Mitzvot and how this impacts the lives of Jews

Spring 1 | Birth, Life and Death

Exploring key religious beliefs regarding the value of life, what makes a good life? And different rites of passage

Spring 2 | Crime and Punishment

Exploring why people commit crime and responses to different types of crime, punishments, religious views regarding responses to crime

Summer 1 | The Existence of God

Exploring the theological debates regarding the existence of God 

Summer 2 | Families and Relationships

Exploring different types of families, marriage, divorce, remarriage, gender roles and LGBTQ+, religious views on these

Assessment Details

To be successful, students will need to be able to answer a mixture of short answer questions and longer 'essay-style' responses that will develop their analysis and evaluation skills in preparation for the next stage of their academia.

What can I do to support my child at home?

When studying Ethics and Philosophy at The Cottesloe School, students are encouraged to embark upon a quest for answers to ultimate questions, such as ‘What happens when we die?’ and ‘Does God exist?’. The main focus of Ethics and Philosophy is to develop the critical thinking skills in our students and facilitate their exploration of not only religion and religious ways of life, but also key moral and ethical dilemmas that may face the world within the 21st century. With this in mind, you can support your child in Ethics and Philosophy by;

  • Encouraging them to engage with news stories that are relevant to the subject
  • Discussing key ethical dilemmas that are facing the world today, encouraging critical thinking 
  • Visiting places or worship and sites of religious and historical relevance
  • Assisting your child with remembering keywords and concepts (these are available in electronic form from the department)
  • Assisting your child in memorising key scripture from sources of authority that they can refer to in their exam

Recommended Resources for the Course


Teaching Staff

Head of Ethics and Philosophy

Miss Lay -

Teachers of Ethics and Philosophy

Miss Redman -

Miss Gray -