What is an Apprenticeship?
Earn while you learn. An apprenticeship is a paid period of training that allows you to learn a particular skill or set of skills and can last between one and four years.
What are my options?
Apprenticeships are an exciting option - you get hands-on training and also the chance to put your skills into practice.
Apprenticeships are available at multiple levels. From school-leavers, people upskill in their careers and complete career changes. There are hundreds to choose from and some include a qualification, like a degree.
There are three levels of apprenticeship:
- Apprenticeships
- Advanced apprenticeships
- Higher apprenticeships
- Degree apprenticeships
What you'll earn
What you earn will depend on the industry, location and type of apprenticeship you choose.
If you're aged 16 to 18 or in the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the apprentice rate (link).
If you're 19 or over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage (link).
This is the minimum you’ll earn - many employers pay a lot more and offer their apprentices a competitive salary.
What it costs
Apprenticeships are funded from contributions made by the government and your employer. This means you will not have any student loans or tuition fees.
You'll just need to cover the cost of your day-to-day expenses, such as lunch and travel.
If you're 16 to 24 and a care leaver, you'll receive a £1,000 bursary payment to support you in the first year of your apprenticeship.
What is an apprenticeship and how could I get one?
FAQs answered on BBC Bitesize
Quiz: Which apprenticeship would suit you best?
Apprenticeship Levels Explained
Intermediate Apprenticeship - These are the same level as GCSE or Level 2 Functional Skills Qualifications.
Advanced Apprenticeship - These are the same level as A-Level or Level 3 BTEC Qualifications. It would help if you had Maths and English GCSEs for these apprenticeship opportunities.
Higher Apprenticeship - These are the same level as a HNC (Level 4) or HND (Level 5) qualification. These count as Higher Education and usually lead to degree apprenticeships.
Degree Apprenticeship - These are the same level as a Bachelor's Degree (Level 6) or Master's Degree (Level 7). It can take 3 to 6 years to complete, depending on the course and qualification.