Go4Schools Guide for Parents
Using GO4Schools, you will be able to view your child’s progress online and access the following information at any time.
- Real-time attainment information – marks and target grades for all subjects throughout the year
- Timetable – Your child’s daily and weekly timetable
- Attendance – Shown from the start of the academic year
- Progress Reports – Full written reports which are published throughout the year
- Behaviour information – A summary of positive and negative events.
Your child’s page is constantly updated, providing you with the latest information.
To access the site, please go to www.go4schools.com and click on the Parents login at the top of the main page to arrive at the login screen. The email address you use to enter the site must be the one we have registered in our database for you.
To request a password for GO4Schools, please click on the ‘First-time User’ link shown below.
Currently, parents/carers are able to access information and data on behaviour, attendance, achievement and progress data. More additional features will be added in the coming months.
Download the app
Apple Link
Android Link
'How-to' Video (link)
Once logged in, what will you see?
Once logged in the parent can access all children at the same school.
Updating settings and passwords
To update the settings for notifications and emails generated by GO4Schools select the person icon on the top menu bar and the ‘Settings’ option.
Once on the settings page, you can check the email contact address used by the school and notify the school if updated contact details are required using the text box provided.
To manage your communication settings a table showing options for Email, Mobile App and SMS are visible depending on the school’s subscription, these can be updated specifically for each of the options available to the school:
At the bottom of the page you can also update your password from the settings page.
Student page – Overview
Links at the top of the page will allow you to see detailed information and alerts for homework tasks, inbox messages, detentions, and reports. The academic year can be changed from a drop-down list if previous years are visible.
The icon will display any student data that the school has shared with you regarding your child including SEND, FSM, PPI etc.
Alerts for items that have not been viewed will be displayed alongside the icons for each of these areas in GO 4 Schools. Please note - currently we do not set homework or detentions through G4S.
Today’s timetable is visible with a link to the full timetable.
An attendance summary chart displays the percentage of present and other key absences recorded by the school.
A summary table of positive and negative behaviour events.
A Progress overview table showing any tracking schemes in place with a count of subjects within each tracking band.
Tabs on this page will show various details of behaviour recorded in GO 4 Schools:
The summary of all events table is a count of all types of events recorded for your child and the total score for each event raised. These can be viewed as positive and negative events.
Behaviour by subject and group displays your child’s behaviour net score from both positive and negative events and then compares this to the subject average score for all other students who study this subject in the same year group.
View behaviour events: this tab enables the display of all recorded events in date order with options to view additional details and detention information if applicable.
Summary Progress displays a table that can be set to show progress by residual value or grade value for all subjects. The summary curriculum overview table has options to display simple grades, detailed grades shared by the school or an all assessment view.
If detailed assessment data has been shared by the school each subject can be viewed by using the View subject in detail tab. This will show assessments at mark sheet or individual assessment level including formative assessment.
Progress Reports
Published reports are displayed as icons that can be used to open the PDF report to view the details. Any unread reports are highlighted as shown.
The attainment table gives an overview of progress across subjects for each report in the academic year.