Tackling Vaping & Nicotine Pouches

Schools across the country have seen a significant increase in incidents involving students vaping.
Data suggests that the number of young people using vapes has tripled in the last three years. With growing evidence of the harm caused by vaping, and many parents reaching out to the school for support, the purpose of this letter is to inform you about the issue and provide resources if you suspect your child is involved in this behaviour. We also want to outline the possible repercussions should a student be found vaping or in possession of vaping paraphernalia on the school site.
What are the risks?
Many people may not be aware of the risks associated with vaping, may not recognise the signs, or may be unfamiliar with the devices themselves. While some vapes produce large clouds of vapour, many newer models are discreet and easy to conceal.
Many vape liquids come in flavours designed to appeal to young people, often marketed in a way that makes them seem harmless. However, the reality is very different. Vaping involves inhaling a vapour produced by an electronic vaporiser or e-cigarette. This vapour can contain nicotine and other harmful substances. Vapes can contain cannabis in the form of THC, normalising the use of illegal drugs, leading to addiction.
Vaping Facts
- Many vapes contain nicotine, making them highly addictive.
- Vapes contain numerous toxic chemicals that are not always disclosed on packaging.
- Some vapes contain the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer, and bug spray.
- Vaping can increase the risk of depression and anxiety in young people.
- The nicotine content of a single vape can be equivalent to 50 cigarettes or more, depending on the device and nicotine strength.
- Young people who vape are three times more likely to start smoking cigarettes.
- Vape aerosol is not simply water vapour; it contains harmful substances.
- Vaping has been linked to serious lung diseases.
- Vapes can have long-term negative effects on brain development.
- Some vapes contain marijuana concentrates and other illegal substances.
Vapes and e-cigarettes come in various shapes and sizes. Some resemble a thick pen or a small flask with a chimney-like top, while others look like everyday items found in a pencil case. Some are disposable, while others require refilling. Their small size makes them easy to hide.

Legal Considerations
Selling vapes or e-cigarettes to individuals under 18 is illegal, but we know that some shops still sell these products to young people. When we become aware of retailers engaging in such practices, we report them to Trading Standards. Additionally, unregulated devices can be easily purchased online or obtained through older peers.
Our School Behaviour Policy
Our behaviour policy is clear: vapes and e-cigarettes are strictly prohibited on school grounds, just as tobacco products and smoking paraphernalia are.
We have a duty of care to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. If the school is concerned regarding any student’s involvement, we will conduct a self-search. More information regarding the self-search can be found on our school website. Student Search Policy The Cottesloe School (https://www.cottesloe.bucks.sch.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=122&type=pdf)
If a student is found in possession of vaping-related items, they are at risk of receiving a suspension. If a student refuses to be searched, the school will take this as supporting the suspicion, and appropriate sanctions will be applied.
We encourage parents to be vigilant and to check their child’s belongings - bags/coat or blazer pockets - if they suspect vaping. If you find vapes or suspect that your child is vaping, please let us know, and we can work with you to support and educate them and signpost you to available support within the community and NHS. We will always inform you if we have concerns or if a search has taken place.
While vaping at The Cottesloe School is rare, we are committed to maintaining high standards and ensuring that the majority of students are protected from the negative influence of a small minority. To support this challenge, all students have received educational sessions highlighting the dangers and risks associated with vaping. This is part of our shared commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all students at The Cottesloe School.
Health For Teens
Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Mr R Henry
Assistant Headteacher – Behaviour and Attitudes