16th December 2024 | Head of School Letter

We’re now a third of the way through the academic year!
I’d like to say thank you to you as families for your continued support throughout your child's Cottesloe journey this term. Your active involvement is so important, from assisting with homework to collecting children after sports fixtures, trips and after-school clubs and activities, engaging with parents’ evenings, attending drama and music concerts, and supporting so many other extracurricular opportunities.
We are incredibly proud of our students for enthusiastically embracing the diverse range of learning opportunities available to them. Recognition should also go to the third part of our home-school partnership, our wonderful team of teachers and staff who have worked tirelessly to create a vibrant and engaging learning environment for all. Together, we have helped students Prepare, Aspire, and Succeed in countless ways this term. We look forward to a rewarding Spring Term filled with more exciting learning adventures!
Christmas Concert
We invite you to join us for our annual Christmas Concert this Wednesday 18th December in the school hall. After the spectacular success of our recent Aladdin production, our talented Performing Arts team is producing another evening of musical talent - festive celebrations for you, family and friends to enjoy. Concert tickets are now available to purchase via ParentPay. If you have any problems with booking the tickets, please contact the school office.
Celebration of Achievement Evening
On Tuesday this week we will be celebrating the achievements of students in last year’s Year 11 and Year 13. Subject Award Nominees and their families have been invited to attend the ceremony in the school hall from 3:45pm. We’re really looking forward to hearing how many of our alumni who are now at university, undertaking apprenticeships or working are getting on since leaving in the summer. Presenting the awards this year is Tom Penhearow, a Cottesloe Alumnus who now works as a Business Analyst at Santander in London.
We welcome Mrs Haddacks to the school in January. She will be joining the Art and English departments. A huge thank you to Mrs Schofield who has been a wonderful colleague over the last term as part of the Art department.
Mr Henry has written to all families about some challenges being faced across year groups regarding uniform. If you are making new uniform purchases this holiday, please ensure the items meet the school’s uniform requirements. A small but increasing number of students have been wearing black trainers recently. Often the reason given by the student is that their shoes broke or that they couldn’t find them in the morning rush. Trainers of any colour are not part of the school uniform, except when worn as part of the PE kit. We understand that sometimes shoes break and it can be tricky to get a new pair quickly. If this is the case, please email your child’s tutor to avoid your child being issued with a uniform sanction.
Where to find support over the festive period
Even though it’s the holidays, and we’re not at school, we continue to care about our students and the wider community. We know a lot of services can wind down over the festive period, and this reduced amount of support can feel worrying, particularly to young people who may be uncertain about where they can seek help. Young Minds have put together a list of where young people and/or families can find support over the holidays, if it's needed.
If you feel you or a family member is unsafe and there is no-one to help, dial 999.
- samaritans.org Open 24/7 for all ages, call 116 123
- mind.org.uk Helplines are open daytime Mon-Fri 0300 123 3393
- childline.org.ukOpen 24/7 for under-19s, call 0800 1111 or chat online.
- Shout Open 24/7 for all ages. Text SHOUT to 85258 for support over text message
- Support websites:
Sport Fixtures and results
Last week there were lots of matches played, and this week there’s an U18s Cup football match against Great Marlow, on Wednesday.
Our Year 9 netball team enjoyed a convincing 21-16 victory against Buckingham, with Emily named Player of the Match for her outstanding performance.
The Sixth Form football team faced a tough challenge against Royal Latin, ultimately losing 6-1. Despite the result, Year 11 students Sammy and George are to be commended for stepping up to the challenge and performing admirably at the 6th Form level. Mr. Loveday praised their ability to adapt to the speed and physicality of the game. The Under 16 girls football team faced a tough defeat in their County Cup match against St. Paul's, losing 9-3. Lillia was named Player of the Match for her strong performance. The Under 15 boys football team delivered an exciting 5-4 victory in their National Cup match against St. Clement Danes. Sam was named Player of the Match for his crucial contributions to the team's success.
Congratulations to all our teams on their efforts and commitment across the week.
Assembly and Christmas Jumper Day
This week’s assembly theme focuses on the history of Christmas Jumper Day, a charitable fundraising event for Save the Children. As a school, we will be participating on Friday 20th December. Donations can be made via ParentPay for any student that would like to participate. Students should wear their usual school uniform and replace their blazer/black V-neck jumpers with a winter-themed jumper. The assemblies will be delivered by Miss Gray.
Celebration Assemblies On Friday, year group celebration assemblies will recognise the efforts of students in each year who have achieved excellence in attendance and achievement points, along with tutor, Heads of Year and Head of School Awards. We’re looking forward to celebrating a really successful term with all our students.
Year 13
Criminology students continue to complete their non-examined assessment that contributes to their final grade.
Year 11
Students studying A Christmas Carol are off to watch a live performance this afternoon at the Waterside Theatre, with Mrs Savine and Mr Toon.
Year 10
Drama students will be performing scenes from one of their set texts, Blood Brothers, on Tuesday.
Term Dates
A reminder that term ends for the holidays at 3pm on Friday 20th December 2024 and students return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025. Monday 6th January is an INSET day for staff.
Sending warmest wishes for a peaceful and happy holiday to all students and families. I hope you are able to enjoy time with the people most important to you. See you in 2025!
Best wishes,
Louise Baldwin
Head of School