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We understand that sometimes, when you, as parents and carers, want to help your child the most - as they approach exams, things can be stressful and tensions can rise. Please see the document below with details of exam boards, revision resources and website links for all KS4 examination subjects taught at The Cottesloe School. This may provide you with information you can use to support your child, and a starting point for conversations at home about how best you can help them navigate the challenges of KS4.  

Whether your child is in Year 10 or Year 11, we hope this information will support their learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - the quickest way is directly with your child's subject teacher or the head of subject. 

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Exam Timetables 2024 to 2025

January Exams

January Exams Timetable

Year 11 Jan/Feb Mocks

Year 11 Jan/Feb Mock Timetable

Summer 2025 timetable

GCSE Summer 2025 Timetable

GCE Summer 2025 Timetable

Individual timetables will be issued to the students in March.

PLEASE NOTE:- The awarding bodies have designated Wednesday 25 June 2025 as the ‘contingency day’ for examinations. The afternoon of Wednesday 11th June has been designated as a ‘contingency afternoon’ for examinations. The designation of ‘contingency days’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom. It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations. Candidates must remain available until Wednesday 25 June 2025 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.

Candidate Exam Handbook and Instructions for candidate video

Exam Information 2024 - 2025

If you require information regarding the summer 2024 post results services please contact the exams officer - Post results requests MUST be from the students. Requests from parents/guardians will not be accepted.

Access to Scripts Form (pdf)

Post Results Services Form GCE (pdf)

Post Results Services Form GCSE (pdf)

GCSE and A-Level Results 2025

A-Level and Btecs - Thursday 14th August 2025

GCSE, Camnats and Btecs - Thursday 21st August 2025

PLEASE NOTE: Results will not be released to anyone other than the student without their written permission.

Collection of exam results: 

Following previous positive feedback, the morning is structured to ensure results can be collected in a calm and supportive environment. Each Year 11 tutor group has a dedicated time and place to collect their exam results. Please refer to the attached table for the details of timings for each tutor group.

Anyone who is unable to attend will be able to view their results electronically using their Exams Assist account from 12.00pm on Thursday 21st August 2025. Please ensure that your child can access their Exams Assist account before the end of term.

All Year 11 pupils will be asked to complete a ‘Destinations and Declarations’ form, which records statutory information that the Department for Education (DfE) requires the school to collect. This form must be completed at the time of collecting results.

Sixth Form places: 

All Year 11 pupils who have applied to The Cottesloe School Sixth Form will receive further information in their results envelope about the next steps to confirm their place in Year 12 for September 2025. They may be asked to speak to a member of the Sixth Form team to discuss their Key Stage 5 choices.

Post-results services: 

Attached is information regarding post-results services and access to scripts. We believe that it is important for all parents/carers to be aware of these options in preparation for the day itself. Please see the attached table for an indication of the services available and the cost of each one.

In addition, the school has committed to financially support a review of marking for pupils within one mark of a higher grade. In this instance, the school will request (with candidate consent) to view each paper for the relevant qualification. The Curriculum Leader will then decide which paper/unit would have the most likely chance of achieving more marks if the marking were to be reviewed. The school will then submit and fund review of marking and inform the candidate if it is successful. If parents/carers wish to submit additional papers for a review of marking, then the school can facilitate this but will not be able to support them financially.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

GCE Post Results Form

GCSE Post Results Form

Access to Scripts Form

Exam Certificates

Please email the school with regard to collecting the previous year's exam certificates.

Please note exam certificates must be collected by the student unless prior permission has been requested.

Summer 2025 exam certificates  - collection dates to be confirmed nearer the time. The school usually receives them during November/December.

Replacement GCE and GCSE Examination Certificates

Exam Boards