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Week 1| Week 2

Snus and Nicotine Pouches

Safeguarding Information

We are writing to address a growing concern regarding the use of snus (pronounced "snooz" like moose) and nicotine pouches among young people. These are distinct products: snus contains both nicotine and tobacco, while nicotine pouches contain nicotine but are tobacco-free. Despite this difference, both pose significant health risks, especially to developing teenagers.

Recent media coverage, including reports of professional athletes using these products, combined with social media trends, has contributed to increased online sales and use among young people. Snus, a tobacco product in small sachets, and nicotine pouches, which resemble snus but lack tobacco, are both placed under the lip to deliver nicotine into the bloodstream.

Snus and Safeguarding | SSS Learning

Key Differences and Legal Status

  • Snus: Contains tobacco and nicotine; illegal for sale in the UK due to carcinogenic properties.
  • Nicotine Pouches: Tobacco-free but contain nicotine; currently unregulated, leading to potential high and dangerous nicotine levels.
  • No age restrictions on purchasing these from shops in the UK.
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): NHS Regulated medicinal products (patches, gum, lozenges) available for ages 12+; distinct from nicotine pouches.

Health Risks

Symptoms that can develop after using snus/nicotine pouches include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach ache and loss of appetite
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Mouth-watering
  • Quick, heavy breathing
  • Dizziness or tremors
  • Confusion and anxiety
  • Nicotine poisoning, which is especially dangerous to young people.

School Approach and Sanctions

We are committed to educating students about these risks through assemblies and PSHCE lessons.

We will be reinforcing that:

  • Smoking and vaping are illegal for under-18s.
  • Snus is illegal.
  • While nicotine pouches are legal for purchase, they, along with all nicotine products including vapes and cigarettes, are dangerous to a person's health, and are prohibited on school grounds and sanctions apply.

Any student found in possession of or using Snus, nicotine pouches, vapes or cigarettes at school, or on the way to/from school will face sanctions in line with our school's behaviour policy. This may include, but is not limited to, confiscation of the products, parental contact, internal or external suspension, and participation in educational interventions regarding substance use. We take these matters seriously to ensure the health and safety of our students.

Resources and Support

If you are concerned about your own child’s involvement in purchasing, using, giving away or selling Snus or nicotine pouches.

There is support and further information available:

We would encourage you to have open conversations with your children about these dangers and to be aware of their online activities where they may be purchasing Snus illegally.

Thank you for working with us to help protect our students' health.

Yours sincerely
The Cottesloe School