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To find out if The Cottesloe School is in your catchment, please use the Bucks Council school postcode checker and The Cottesloe School | Catchment Area 2022 - 23 (PDF)

Admissions Policy - Sept 2023

Years 7 to 11 

The Cottesloe School is a Foundation Secondary School. The admissions authority is the school’s Governing Body. As the Admissions authority, the schools' Governing Body must ensure that the practices and criteria used to decide the allocation of places are fair, clear and objective. The Governing Body must also set out the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. The School admits children at the age of 11 without reference to aptitude or ability. The schools' Planned Admission Number (PAN) for Year 7 is 210.

As a Foundation school, The Cottesloe School works within the Fair Access protocol.

Please see our policies page for more information. 

The Cottesloe School catchment

To find out if The Cottesloe School is in your catchment, please use the Bucks Council school postcode checker and The Cottesloe School | Catchment Area 2022 - 23 (PDF).

In-Year Admissions

If you are applying for an in-year admission please complete this form (PDF) and email it to, not to Buckinghamshire Council.

For more information about in-year admissions please see the Buckinghamshire Council website