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The Importance of Literacy

Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world.

Lacking vital literacy skills holds a person back at every stage of their life. As a child they won't be able to succeed at school, as a young adult they will be locked out of the job market, and as a parent, they won't be able to support their own child's learning. This intergenerational cycle makes social mobility and a fairer society more difficult.

People with low literacy skills may not be able to read a book or newspaper, understand road signs or price labels, make sense of a bus or train timetable, fill out a form, read instructions on medicines or use the internet.

At The Cottesloe School, we don't underestimate the importance and value of literacy. We use various means to engage our students with reading, especially when they start their journey with us in Year 7. We do this through our curriculum, Accelerated Reader Programme, library and clubs.

Accelerated Reader

We follow the Renaissance STAR Reading programme in The Cottesloe School for Key Stage 3 students (Years 7 to 9).

Students will have an additional lesson, usually based in the library where they develop their reading skills by choosing books that they want to read; reading them and then taking quizzes on them that checks their comprehension. There are 10 to 20 questions which are all multiple choice, the pass mark is 85%. 

One lesson will take place per fortnight and will be taught by an English teacher. Students are encouraged to read their reading books at home for 15 to 20 minutes per school night so that they can complete a book every two weeks.  KS3 students have an Accelerated Reader exercise book with a record of their username, password, reading age, book level and reading log. Parents and carers can support their child by regularly checking the reading log and signing it weekly to assist with home-school communication. 

Student Login (link)

Parents can find useful resources on the website |

Recommended Reads 2024


Click on the image above



The library is available to students every day during break and lunchtime, for homework, quiet study, research and quiet reading.

Every student at The Cottesloe School is automatically a member of our library and welcome to borrow books for two weeks and we ask that books are looked after and returned on time or renewed as required.

At The Cottesloe School, we use the Accelerated Reader programme. It is the world’s most widely used reading software that helps improve literacy by motivating and supporting students of all reading ages. Accelerated Reader (AR) is tailored to each individual student and provides valuable feedback about a student's reading progress.

To get started, try one of the books from our Recommended Reads.

The Literacy Club (TLC)

Our Literacy Lead and English Department Head Mrs Webber.


The Cottesloe Chronicles

We are pleased to share the first edition of The Cottesloe Chronicle, a celebration of this year's English creativity across the school.  This was pulled together by two Year 8 students, we are very proud of their work and hope you enjoy reading it!

Click image above