Senior Leaders are ambitious for Cottesloe pupils. The headteacher has a clear vision for moving the school even further forwards. He is supported by talented and committed staff.
Pastoral care is a strength of the school. 'The pastoral care at The Cottesloe School is simply wonderful.' Pupils feel safe and have great faith in the staff to help them with any difficulties they may face.
The school is a warm and friendly place. Many pupils and staff describe it as a 'big family'. Pupils and staff treat each other with respect and courtesy. Around the building and in lessons, pupils behave very well. They are eager to learn, work hard and achieve well.
Many pupils participate in a host of extracurricular activities and clubs, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the Year 7 residential trip and Gardening Club. These help the students to develop the school's '6Cs'. Students are very well prepared for when they leave school and gain the qualifications they need for their chosen destinations.
It is a real pleasure, as the Headteacher of The Cottesloe School, to welcome you to our website and to our school.
The Cottesloe School is a vibrant and challenging learning community. Our students benefit from highly qualified and exceptionally committed staff, who recognise the importance of creative and challenging teaching and high professional standards.
Our curriculum has carefully designed pathways to make sure it meets the needs of all our students. It provides an excellent range of options in GCSE and A-Level qualifications supported by a range of vocational courses.
Open Evening Admissions 2025 | 26
Thursday 26th September