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Week 1 |Week 2


Examination Board | AQA

Specification Code | 7202/C (Personal Investigation) 7202/X (Exam)

Subject Content

  • Appreciation of different approaches to recording images, such as observation, analysis, expression and imagination
  • Awareness of intended audience or purpose for their chosen area(s) of fine art
  • Understanding of the conventions of figurative/representational and abstract/non-representational imagery or genres
  • Appreciation of different ways of working, such as, , wash and acrylic techniques, etching, mono printing, lino printing, screen printing, and mixed media
  • Understanding of pictorial space, composition, rhythm, scale and structure
  • Appreciation of colour, line, tone, texture, shape and form

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Year 12 Experimenting & Developing Skills and Techniques

The emphasis of the Year 12 course will be on the development of skills and experimentation using an appropriate range of fine art materials, processes and techniques.

The course develops the crucial skills, techniques and confidence to progress into Year 13.

Year 13 Autumn Term - Component 1 Personal investigation (60% of A-Level)

This is a practical investigation supported by written materials. Students are required to conduct a practical investigation into an idea, issue, concept or theme, supported by written material. The focus of the investigation must be identified independently by the student and must lead to a finished outcome or a series of related finished outcomes. The investigation should be a coherent, in-depth study that demonstrates the student’s ability to construct and develop a sustained line of reasoning from an initial starting point to a final realisation. The investigation must show clear development from initial intentions to the final outcome or outcomes. It must include evidence of the student’s ability to research and develop ideas and relate their work in meaningful ways to relevant critical/contextual materials. The investigation must be informed by an aspect of contemporary or past practice of artists, photographers, designers or craftspeople.

Year 13 Spring/Summer Term - Component 2 Externally set assignment - exam (40% of A-Level)

Each question paper will consist of a choice of eight questions to be used as starting points. Students are required to select one. Students will be provided with examination papers in February, which then starts a preparatory period. Following receipt of the paper, students should consider the starting points and select one. Preparatory work should be presented in any suitable format, such as mounted sheets, design sheets, sketchbooks, workbooks, journals, models and maquettes. Supervised time – 15 hours Following the preparatory period, students must complete 15 hours of unaided, supervised time.

Additional Equipment Needed

KS4 Art Kit and A3 and A4 sketchbooks, which can be purchased from the school shop and own media suited to personal interest.

KS4 Art Kit and Sketchbooks

Assessment Details

To be successful, students will need to be able to show evidence of the four assessment objectives:

  • AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding
  • AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops
  • AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress
  • AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements

What can I do to support my child at home?

Be interested in what your child has been learning and doing in Art. Ask to see their sketchbook, and engage with them by getting them to discuss art projects with you. Encourage them to experiment with their art media and to review and refine their work as they progress. At A-Level, students should be building their own bespoke art kit to use in school and at home. Encourage them to read about art and use a library for research. Visits to museums and galleries are encouraged and often, upon seeing 'real' art, your child will be enthused and filled with new ideas.

Recommended Resources for the Course



The school library has an excellent collection of art books, as do local libraries and are a great resource.

Teaching Staff Contact Details

Head of Art

Mrs Nicholls -

Teacher of Art

Mrs Bye -

Teacher of Art

Ms Schofield -

Curriculum Ethos and Intent


Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. It is our intention that our high-quality art and design curriculum will engage, inspire and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As students progress, our intention is that they will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. Students should also know how art and design reflect and shape our history and contribute to our nation's culture, creativity and wealth.


Art can teach us how to go into life with the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of our world. Our aim is to develop curious, experimental and confident artists who enjoy learning through the creative processes of art, appreciating that there are many ways to see and interpret the world we live in.

Click on the picture below for our virtual Art Gallery. 

Careers in Art

Whether you love painting, photography, graphic design, or any other art-related speciality, career options are limited only by your imagination. Art education propels people towards creative and unexpected destinations – many of which have not even been discovered yet.

In many jobs, being able to think and plan creatively is essential. Art and maths are a good combination for design careers such as architecture, car design or engineering. 

There are many careers that require creative and artistic skills, including architecture, fashion design, advertising, media , game design, animation and work within the TV Film industry.