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Absences and Admissions


Absence on unforeseeable grounds (illness) should be communicated to the school by phone 01296 689720 or email on each and every day of absence before 8:30 am.

For advance Leave of Absence Requests please use the form below, giving at least one week's notice before the absence.

Leave of Absence request - (Google Form)

Unavoidable appointments (medical, orthodontist) should be covered by this form and be submitted to the school not less than one week before the initial period of absence. The headteacher would normally expect students to make medical/dental/optician appointments outside of school time.

Admissions Policy


The criteria for entry into the Sixth Form at The Cottesloe School is a minimum of 38 points overall from the best eight GCSE subjects, including a Grade 4 in GCSE Maths and GCSE English Literature or English Language. Please note this does not include iGCSE.

In addition, students will have to meet the specific subject criteria specified on our website. The Headteacher and Governors have determined that the Published Admission Number (PAN) of external candidates for Year 12 is 25. This is in addition to students from the school’s Year 11 who have fulfilled the entry requirements. It is not expected that the total number in the Sixth Form will exceed 200.


As a Foundation school, The Cottesloe School is pleased to work within the Fair Access Protocol. Once children with Statements of Special Educational Need (SEN) or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), which names The Cottesloe School, have been admitted to the School, providing the above entry requirements have been met, but only in circumstances where applications for admission from external candidates exceed the number of places available, the following over-subscription criteria will be applied: see policy below for more information.

For the full policy, download it below.