Drama | A-Level
Examination Bboard: AQA
Specification Code: 601/8494/2
Subject Content
A-Level Drama and Theatre offers students the opportunity to explore drama as a practical art form, in which ideas and meaning are communicated to an audience through choices of form, style and convention.
We want students to have an inspiring experience of A-level Drama and Theatre.
This qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding.
Students learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays practically, devise and work on performances.
Assessment Details
- Students will need a box file to keep their work in. This should be divided using plastic wallets into the following sections: Understanding Theatre: set play The Devising, Texts in Practice. It is also a good idea for students to keep a pen in their folder, but they can bring this into each lesson if they prefer.
- Students will need to buy a copy of their set play and live performance play and scripts are available from the school shop.
- Students must see a live performance at least once throughout their course - opportunities for this are provided throughout the year.
- Suitable clothing for a practical lesson must be worn for every lesson.
- For performances, students may choose to provide their own props/ costume if they feel that what we have available within the department is not suitable.
- Students will be expected to attend extra rehearsals in preparation for their performances - these may be at lunchtime, after school and include a weekend rehearsal before their exam. (A letter with information will be sent as required)
- On practical exam days, students will be expected to stay throughout the duration of the exam. This is likely to continue after the school day (fair warning will be given, and a letter will be sent home).
Additional Equipment Recommended
Year 12 will experience skills required for KS5 Drama, which covers the following components.
The subject content for A-Level Drama is divided into three components:
1. Understanding drama
Written Exam at the end of Year 13 (3 hours) 80 Marks (40% of A-Level)
- Section A: one question (from a choice) on one of the set plays from List A (25 marks)
- Section B: one three part question on a given extract from one of the set plays from List B (30 marks)
- Section C: one question (from a choice) on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (25 marks)
2. Creating original drama (Practical 30% of A-Level)
- Working notebook - 40 Marks- 20%
- Devised Performance - 20 Marks (10% of A-Level)
- Devised piece must be influenced by the work and methodologies of one prescribed practitioner.
3. Making Theatre (practical 30% of A-Level)
- Practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts (Extract 1, 2 and 3) each taken from a different play.
- Performance extract- 40 marks.
- Reflective report- 20 marks
What can I do to support my child at home?
- Encourage your child's creativity.
- Make sure they complete all their homework on time.
- Help your child to get organised with their books and kit.
- Support additional rehearsals by helping to arrange lifts home if necessary.
- Make sure your child meets each deadline and brings their Chromebook for writing notebook lessons.
- Exam board specification board past papers https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama/gcse/drama-8261/assessment-resources
- Revision notes websites https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zbckjxs
- Playscripts available from the school shop
Teaching Staff Contact Details
Head of Performing Arts
Miss Mayhew jmayhew@cottesloe.bucks.sch.uk
Teacher of Drama
Mrs Holmes - aholmes@cottesloe.bucks.sch.uk