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Week 1 |Week 2

English Language | A-Level

Examination Board | Edexcel
Specification Code | 9ENO

Subject Content

  • Component 1: Language Variation
  • Component 2: Child Language
  • Component 3: Investigating Language
  • Non-Exam Assessment (NEA): Crafting Language

Assessment Details

Students will study the three exam components over the two-year course and the NEA will be completed early in Year 13. 

Students will focus on the application of five key skills:

  • Apply appropriate methods of language analysis, using associated terminology and coherent written expression. 
  • Demonstrate critical understanding of concepts and issues relevant to language use. 
  • Analyse and evaluate how contextual factors and language features are associated with the construction of meaning. 
  • Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic concepts and methods. 
  • Demonstrate expertise and creativity in the use of English to communicate in different ways.

Component 1 – Language Variation 

This component introduces students to the ways in which language varies, depending on the context of production and reception. Students will explore and critically evaluate how language choices can create personal identities. They will also explore and critically evaluate how language varies over time.

Component 2 – Child Language

In this component, students will explore and critically evaluate the development of both speech and writing in children between 0-8.  Students will focus on the spoken language acquisition of children and will explore how children learn to write.  Students will understand the ways in which speech develops and the relationship between spoken language acquisition and the literacy skills children are taught, including the beginnings of reading and learning to write.

Component 3 – Investigating Language

In this component, students will have the opportunity to develop their research and investigation skills. They will consolidate their knowledge of language frameworks and key language concepts gained from components 1, 2 and the non-examination assessment. Students will apply these skills to an area of language study that particularly interests them, selected from pre-released subtopics, in preparation for an externally assessed examination. This component is skills based, with the content being driven by the students’ particular interests. Teachers must ensure that students are taught research and investigation skills and introduced to the relevant language topic areas. 

Non-Exam Assessment: Crafting Language

In the non-examination assessment, students will develop their research skills as they explore their selected writing genre and will demonstrate their skills as writers, crafting texts for different audiences and purposes. They will also reflect on their work in an accompanying commentary, making connections with their research.

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • Folder with notebook/access to wider reading

What can I do to support my child at home?

Be interested in what your child has been learning in English Language! Make sure that your child has access to a range of texts with a range of different genres, audiences and forms. Have a day trip to the British Library in London and look at the range of texts that they have on show – talk to your child about what you see. When watching TV, discuss the ways that the presenters/comedians/politicians use language and what their purpose is. Read about the etymology of words and how words can change meaning over time.

  • Revision guides/wider reading texts
  • ‘The English Language’: David Crystal
  • Spotify Podcasts
  • Apple Podcast

Teaching Staff Contact Details

Head of English

Mrs Webber -

KS5 Co-ordinator for English

Mrs. Onan-Read

Second in English

Mrs Savine -

Teachers of English

Mrs. C. Woodcock -

Mr. A. Toon -

Mr. A. Passaro -