Art KS3 | Year 9
Subject Content
Year 9 is a transition year from Key Stage 3 to GCSE work.
In Year 9, students are introduced to GCSE assessment objectives and new ways of working. They follow a broad project that recaps the fundamental visual elements and principles and introduces a wider range of media than that experienced at KS3.
The project work in Year 9 is focussed on experimenting and developing observation and analytical skills in order to develop confidence in producing work for the GCSE portfolio. The content of the portfolio will be determined by the Art Department and is likely to change from year to year in response to current events, exhibitions and opportunities. Typically, we cover themes such as Vanitas Still Life, East meets West, Portraits and Identity.
Year 9 work can contribute to the portfolio but is primarily focussed on introducing skills and techniques to prepare for GCSE.
Assessment Details
To be successful, students will need to be able to show evidence of the four assessment objectives:
- AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
- AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
- AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
- AO4: Present a personal meaning
Additional Equipment Recommended
KS3 Art Kit, which can be purchased from the school shop.
What can I do to support my child at home?
Be interested in what your child has been learning and doing in Art. Ask to see their sketchbook , and engage with them by getting them to discuss art projects with you. Encourage them to experiment with their art media and to review and refine their work as they progress . Encourage them to read about art and use a library for research. Visits to museums and galleries are encouraged and often, upon seeing 'real' art, your child will be enthused and filled with new ideas. Encourage your child to complete homework and to enjoy exploring and using their art kit at home.
Recommended Resources for the Course
Revision Guides and the school library has an excellent collection of art books, as do local libraries and are a great resource.
Teaching Staff
Head of Art
Mrs Nicholls -
Teachers of Art
Mrs Bye -
Mrs Haddacks -